
Monday, March 2, 2015

Raul Grijalva's Original Draft Letter To Climate Heretics

I found the original version of Raul Grijalva's letter to the employers of academics who publicly oppose the idea of "Global Warming". I have reproduced the letter below:

Dear [Employer of target heretic]:

As Ranking Cardinal of the Committee to Suppress Climate Apostates, I have a religious duty to protect the established orthodoxy of the United States and ensure that taxpayers are not taught or have brought to them information or argument that contradicts Environmental Orthodoxy. I write today because of concerns raised in a recent New York Times report and documents I have received that reveal potential conflicts of interest among known Heretics and Apostates. Such conflicts allow us to prosecute such Apostates and Heretics that engage in them.

As you may have heard, the Apostate "Koch Foundation" appears to have funded research in contravention of established dogma, by one Dr. Willie Soon, who holds a respectable scientific post. This research supported testimony given to the the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Dogma. This Apostate funding was not disclosed. In fact, the Apostates at Exxon Mobil, in response to an inquiry from the House Science Dogma Committee, may have concealed their Apostate connections to Dr. Soon. Additional, another group of Heretics at Southern Services Company funded Dr. Soon's authorship of several heretic studies, and he failed to disclose this support of Apostates.

If true, this Apostate conspiracy may not be isolated. [Target Heretic] at [Heretic's Employer], who once work with [Apostate Organization], gave testimony before a different House Committee that [Heresy]. He also insulted a report issued in accordance with Official Dogma. 

I am hopeful that the disclosure of a few pieces of information will establish grounds to prosecute Heretics who violate Dogma while speaking in the name of your institution, which will greatly assist me and my colleagues in effectively suppressing Apostate speech and creating better law. Heretics funding Climate Heresy corrupt our state and federal regulators and manipulate public understanding against Official Dogma.

My fellow Inquisitors and I cannot perform out duties if research or testimony provided to us has undisclosed Heretic connections. We cannot dismiss and drown speakers if we do not know which side they are on beforehand. These opportunities to identify Climate Heretics should be clear to all parties involved before they speak. Please answer the following questions so that we may know if we have sufficient grounds to prosecute [Target Heretic].

     1. What is your policy on financial disclosure? Provide a full copy of all applicable policies, including but nor limited to those applying to [Target Heretic]

     2. Please provide all drafts of [Target Heretic]'s testimony before any agency, body, or Inquisition of the Government and any testimony he helped prepare for others, as well as any communications regarding that preparation. (So that we may expand our target list of other Heretics.)

     3. Provide a full list of [Target Heretic]'s external employment and funding, including all sources of compensation from outside your institution. (These are important in ascertaining which other organizations may be infiltrated by Heretics.) Please include:

          a. Sources
          b. Amounts
          c. Reasons
          d. Proposals for any grants issues
          e. Related Communications

     4. All financial disclosures in which your institution is listed as his affiliation.

     5. His annual salary. (To assist in projecting prosecution costs)

As you know, these campaigns are critically important, not only to silence current Heretics, but also to intimidate potential Apostates in accepting the Official Dogma. Dissension cannot be tolerated here, as without an established, enforced consensus, Official Dogma would not be able to survive.

Thank you for your attention. I am waiting for response. Please provide it by March 16. Delays will not be tolerated. Direct inquiries to

Very Respectfully,

Rep. Raul Grijalva
Ranking Cardinal,
Committee to Suppress Climate Apostates

Incidentally, I found a note scribbled on the bottom, I think it reads:
"We need to rewrite this so that it's legal. And sane. I think Raul has gone a little off the deep end on the climate issue."

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